Friday, March 27, 2009

Stretch That Budget

With marketing budgets under scrutiny, doing more with less is essential for creating a positive return on your investment. The fact is that marketing budgets are shrinking in today's difficult economic climate. This is the precise opposite of what should actually happen. When times are tough, its time to start marketing.

Do more with your shrinking marketing budget. This is easily done when you consider the power of viral marketing. The purpose of viral marketing is to leverage others - customers, prospects, friends, and connections to help you sell your products and services. Here are a few other ideas you can use to jump start your marketing.

Leverage all you do. Whenever you make a contact with browsers, prospects, customers, or friends, consider how you can communicate information about your products and services. Is there a way to use each interaction as a stepping stone to assess needs, offer solutions, and move individuals through the purchase decision process?

Make a conscious effort to ask for referrals. In many industries, referrals are the lifeblood of the business. Starting a referral campaign is easy and can be done simply by asking. You may also consider offering an incentive to individuals who pass along your name or encourage others to transact with your company.

Focus on creating a dialogue. If you are interacting via multiple media such as fliers, letters, emails, etc, make sure that you include valuable information and promotional offers. This can keep your business moving forward and is easy to implement. Think about adding a promotional postcard to your next package with an offer your customers can't refuse.

Keep testing new things. Especially in tough times, it is very important to dedicate a portion of your budget toward trying new marketing methods or ideas. Even if it is just ten percent of your budget, all it takes is one success idea to have a significant impact on your lead flow or revenue.

Improving marketing results does not have to cost you money. In fact, some of the best, most successful marketing ideas were started with little or no money. Think viral. How can you leverage the assets you already have? By taking what you have and making it better or expanding it, your results will often scale. To many people stop short of fully riding out their marketing campaigns and enjoying the results they can achieve if only they persist.

Offer a free download on your website. What can you do to attract more visitors and have them give you valuable information about themselves? The information you provide could be a free informational packet, checklist, or video. If people want free, you can give it to them but remember to ask them for something first. Be the master of get/give and you can build your list quickly.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Understanding the Differences Between SEO and SEM

Many individuals new to web marketing have some questions about search engine optimization and search engine marketing. Are they one in the same? How are they different? SEO and SEM have many similarities but are not the same.

Search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing are similar in many ways. Each online marketing discipline requires a strong understanding of purpose and functionality. The practice of SEO requires a basic knowledge of search engines and how they work at their core. Search engine marketing requires an understanding of online marketing and advertising.

Both online marketing methods can be rather complex yet at the same time relatively simple. SEO can be boiled down to this. Where your site is ranked on major search engines is a direct result of your understanding and application of best practices in the area of SEO.

Search engine marketing is based on an understanding of online ad campaigns that are implemented on advertising networks. The largest online ad network is Google followed by Yahoo! and MSN. These ad networks basically work the same way. You open an ad account, place an online ad, and when users search for terms related to your ad, the advertisement displays. When someone clicks on your ad, you pay a fee.

SEO is different than SEM because it is based on natural or organic search results versus paid results. Search engine optimization techniques can be better defined as on page optimization and off page optimization. On page optimization directs you on how to design your web page in an effort to improve ranking and search ability. Said another way, on page optimization is closely tied to web site design and off page is more associated with factors outside your website itself.

The purpose of SEO is to generate natural traffic to your website. After a browser completes a search on Google or other major search engine, the resulting list is based on each search engines algorithm. When users click on these results you do not pay. Organic search is usually referred to as natural or free traffic.

Search engine marketing differs in that you pay when users take an action. Unlike traditional advertising you do not pay for your ad to display. You do however pay when a browser clicks on your ad. The amount you pay varies on the competitiveness of your keywords and the position in which you want your ad to display.

Online marketing is based on a good understanding of SEO and SEM best practices. These internet marketing subject areas are common among today's marketing professionals but rarely do you find the level of expertise needed for success. Learn more about these subject ares with some research and be sure to subscribe to an SEO newsletter or blog. As you gain more knowledge implement new techniques and improve your rankings.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Protection From Brand Infection

Hi all.. check out the The Chief Marketing Officer Council's newest study, "Protection from Brand Infection," which examines how and where online and offline scams are impacting brand trust, confidence, credibility and affinity among consumers, channels and business partners.

The initiative seeks to develop best practices by engaging in conversations with leading global marketers about their brand security strategies and how they are leveraging various technologies, resources, solutions, and services.

There are numerous proof points that demonstrate the business impact of counterfeiting, piracy and cyber-fraud. You know... those "web scams" we keep hearing about in online marketing circles!

According to recent estimates, counterfeiting and piracy cost the U.S. economy alone between $200 billion and $250 billion per year, and stole as many as 750,000 American jobs. Many of the safety and security measures established to monitor or safeguard companies against these attacks reside solely within the operational, IT or legal areas. Yet in reality, marketing must be a major contributor and stakeholder as companies move to secure the trust, loyalty and affinity for a brand.

The Council invites you to share your experiences with your peers by completing this brief
online survey. All responses will be kept confidential. In return for taking the survey, you will receive a free copy of the final research report upon its publication.

Thank you in advance for your participation and for your insight into this costly marketing challenge!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is Video Already A Part Of Your Article Marketing Strategy?

Article marketing takes on a new twist... add video. Video is fast becoming the most popular aspect of online marketing. Do you know how to promote your site, articles, and affiliate products using video. Today we have a great post from Unique Article Wizard.

If you're not using an article distribution service, I strongly recommend Unique Article Wizard. They not only distribute your article, but provide unique article distribution. But enough about the testimonial, let's get into using video as part of your article marketing strategy.

1. Write an article or have one created for you at elance or via PLR articles. These are inexpensive and can be found via any article directory or website.

2. Convert that article into a power point presentation. Make sure that you use big fonts because your video will be more than 200 by 200 pixes in size which is relatively small. You want all of your type to appear on screen in large, clear letters. Place your URL or 800 number at the footer of each slide.

3. Turn your Powerpoint presentation into a video presentation by including voice. To do this you can use the free trial from Camtasia or other video recording software. Essentially, the way this works is that you use a piece of software to record your screen while you present. It will marry audio and video together.

The best thing to do is create a number of articles and Powerpoint presentations before you start your free trial because the trial is limited. In addition, once the trial expires, you will lose access to all your files. So, start with a few presentations and then use your thirty days wisely. Record your video in a large format. Another option is to do a video using your webcam - just turn it on and read out your article! But do it in an animated an lively manner.

4. Upload your video to YouTube and other video related websites. The more the merrier. You want to distribute your content to as many video websites as possible to increase exposure.

5. Write a compelling caption that includes your keywords as the anchor tag for the link to your youtube video. You do this by including the tag [link:your desired anchor text here] in your caption.

Why do you do this? This promotes your video within YouTube and in Google search - so if people don't find your article or your site, they might still find your video. Just another way to get noticed!

Take your article marketing strategy to the next level with video. Don't be scared. This technique is really easy to use once you get the hang of it. Start practicing and leveraging this technique as soon as you can.

Get started with your article marketing today at Unique Article Wizard!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Niche Marketing Success - Find The Markets That Deliver

If you've been considering getting your hands on private label rights (PLR) articles or products, you should think about using new methods to fully utilize these assets for the purpose of making a living online. The fact is that many marketers have been using PLR rights to develop products that earn them a substantial living selling online products.

Private label rights products and software packages can be used for earning an online income. I have discovered a number of options for reselling or repackaging these assets in order to generate revenue and create an ongoing revenue stream. Here are a number of techniques you can use to start profiting with PLR articles and software.

Develop Bundles. By grouping related PLR products within a specific niche, you can target a specific segment. This is easier to manage and more profitable as you find niches comprised of buyers versus those who have little or no commercial intent. Start by assembling about six or seven products on the same subject. Once you have done so, put on your pricing had and determine a fair price for the offering. The price needs to be attractive and in line with what your competitors are charging. As a final step offer 3 types of pricing including no rights, reseller rights and private label rights.

Create Niche Membership Websites.
Create a membership website oriented around the products you developed. The next step is to distribute your product in the form of software or information on a monthly. You will then offer access to these products, on a monthly basis, in exchange for a monthly fee. Fees can be as low as ten dollars per month and can be raised after you have begun to publicize your website. With only a few subscribers you can create a revenue stream that grows over time. Additionally, after your first niche is established you can create more.

You can further build your membership with the help of private label products. Add resell rights for an additional fee or require individuals to upgrade their membership. You can even offer an exclusive option for the highest paying members.

Create New Products.
Once you have found a niche and accessed PLR products, you can then create unique products that meet the need of your niche or audience. As a result, you will have products that no other site is using and can shape a unique offering around that product. The benefit of product creation is that you have something unique to offer that is not available anywhere else. An additional benefit is that you can price your product independently and determine how best to distribute giving variable rights and licenses.

A fantastic way to market your product is by developing an exclusive report about the niche you are serving. When you distribute this report you can start to collect names of target customers and let your auto responder move them through the purchase decision process.

Anyone can leverage the power of PLR to begin making money online. Doing so is easy and you can get started for little money. There is some great content online, in addition to this basic article, about leveraging PLR to create your own online business. Do your research, pick a product, and get started. Try to learn from others who are using PLRs to make a living.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Do More With Less: Improve Website Conversions

Internet marketing is often a complicated process of direct marketing campaigns and improving online conversions. Determining the right mix of advertising, online campaigns, and managing a budget is more difficult than ever before. However, if you have a good marketing strategy and manage the details of your online campaigns, you can significantly improve your marketing results.

If you are an established business with a well designed website, you may be wondering what has happened in the last few months. Many websites are seeing less traffic or fewer conversions. No matter what ails you, all websites can benefit from a more granular analysis to determine better ways of keeping website visitors on the page or converting into customers.

I have experimented with a number of methods to better leverage the traffic I receive to my website on a regular basis. Having to do more with a smaller marketing budget, implementing new methods for improving conversions is essential. The techniques I use are simple to implement and can begin working immediately.

Provide an informational giveaway. When visitors enter your website, provide some valuable information in exchange for a name and email. This capture of information is essential for marketing your products to web site visitors. Once they offer their information communicate with them on a regular basis.

Use an automated communication stream. Auto responders are great for moving your prospects through the purchase process. After visitors sign up for free information, you can automate the process of speaking with them on a regular basis and providing information that is timely and relevant.

Create a compelling reason for website visitors to return. One great way of creating a strong reason to visit your site again is the production of a weekly contest, information exchange (like a forum) or some other type of event. Keep things new and you will see more and more repeat visitors.

Lastly, think about starting a newsletter. Newsletters are great for opening up a dialogue with your users and helping them solve problems or issues they may be facing. Create topical articles that are relevant and leverage your list to increase sales. Newsletters are inexpensive to produce and improve relationships with customers.

In a tough economy, you need to do what you can to get more from your website visitors. The only way to do this successfully is to first offer something of value. After you've made the first move, many browsers will be willing to share some information about themselves. Put your thinking cap on and consider new ways to attract website visitors. Once you have found something that works, stick with it.

As you add greater focus and attention on website traffic and conversions, you will find that your marketing budget does more with less. Make the most of what you have and watch your sales increase.

Are you ready to enhance your marketing? Get help from the Marketing Experts at Click here to get your own unique version of this article.