Saturday, July 31, 2010

Facebook Connection Targeting

Looking for a creative way to increase your conversion rate in your Facebook PPC campaigns? Here’s a quick tip on using the connections filter.

One of the three types of connections you can target is, “friends of people who are already fans”. As a result, the ad will show up with an endorsement from your friend, incredible right? You will not find a more powerful type of ad in Facebook’s arsenal. I’ve included an example of what the ad would look like below and yes I’m a fan of the Captain.

If you decide to try this type of ad let me know how your connection targeting goes.

Google Me vs. Facebook

The Internet is a buzz with a possible contender for Facebook. The 500,000,000 member social media empire is starting to hear footsteps and I for one am grabbing a front row seat for the fight.

Can Google even compete with Facebook? There first attempt at social media started with a huge buzz and then fizzled. I really wanted Buzz to hook me like Facebook did but after a couple of weeks I was bored. Will Google’s next attempt at social media be any better? If I was Google and I’m not, I would duplicate Facebook as close as possible. One of Facebook’s biggest problems has been privacy and Google is no stranger to privacy issues either. But if Google can hit the ground running and offer better privacy to their users then Facebook could lose some of its market.

I’m pulling for you Google, there needs to be more than one empire in the social media circle. At the very least, the competition between Google and Facebook will create new advances in social media which we haven’t even been able to dream up yet.

Raise Your Marketing To The Next Level

I've been doing some marketing for a company that has a great product, great people, and a really good business model. When you can work for a company that has a lot to celebrate, marketing is an easy thing to do. That is, unless you have to move an entire brand from good, to great!

How exactly to you migrate a product or brand to a whole new marketing level?  You begin with your audience and positioning.  Said another way, determine the needs of your market and how your company addresses those needs.  More importantly, what's unique about your product or company?  This is where you have leverage.

Once you've determined what's unique about your product and brand, you can promote it using both traditional and new media.  With a clear understanding of your 'unique selling proposition', you can improve the effectiveness of all you do.

Here are a few ways to leverage your unique positioning among your target audience:

1.  Create marketing materials that reflect your unique selling proposition.

2.  Position your web site to include content and interactivity that reinforces your key messages.

3.  Leverage new medial like Social Media marketing to communicate your distinct advantages.

4.  Select advertising partners that support your messaging.

5.  Communicate key messages through blogs, affiliates, and other partners.

There are lots of ways to market your unique qualities as a brand or the products and services you offer.  Start with a clear understanding of your market, the segments you're trying to reach.  Look at the competition.  What makes you unique?

Once you've determined your unique qualities, write them down.  The next step is to develop an integrated marketing plan that focused on your key differentiators - which should be in the form of key message points.  Choose media that will get your point across again and again.  Repetition is key.

Be unique.  Be different.  Deliver value.  Over time,  your brand will rise above the rest!

Friday, July 30, 2010

iPhone Creates iPorn

With the new iPhone 4, people are able to have videoconferencing, and the adult entertainment business has been watching. They have now developed video-sex chat services and are even hiring people through Craigslist according to MSNBC. The ads created in at least 5 cities, are looking for models for video sex chat and even offer applicants a free iPhone.

FaceTime as it is known will allow people to call other iPhone 4 users and have live video conferencing over a Wi-Fi enabled connection with the camera on the front of the phone. For many years video chat has been available, but not with the portability and privacy like the cell phone.

Apple is faced with a huge dilemma now and why this can become very controversial. The company has generally tried to keep everything through iTunes so they can monitor the programs and keep them clean. Now, what are they going to do? This is one of the main features on the phone, not something an outside developer created.

New Exciting Job Opportunity at Ten Golden Rules

Ten Golden Rules is looking to hire an Internet Marketing Account Manager.

The Internet Marketing Account Manager is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of internet marketing initiatives for assigned clients, based on engagement parameters. He or she will also be responsible for the development of new internet marketing strategies including gathering and analyzing data, brainstorming ideas with staff, and creating presentations for clients. Routine administrative tasks involving project management, office communications, timekeeping, status reporting, etc. will be required.

In addition to the Account Management role, the best candidate will have hands on experience with the planning and execution of one or more of the following: SEO tactics, Google & Facebook PPC, Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn social media strategies, Affiliate Management, Wordpress set up, Website CMS systems, minimal HTML using Dreamweaver or other WYSIWYG editor, etc.

Check out more information on the Account Manager position.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Are You In A WiFi Zone?

Do you need to be in a Wi-Fi zone? Amazon just launched the newest Kindle for under $150, the only catch is you must be in a Wi-Fi zone for it to work. Well, many of you may be asking what is a wi-fi zone, do I have to buy one? Where do they come from? Well, I’d like to explain a little bit about this and hopefully clear up some questions. Here are 10 basic things to know about Wi-Fi and what it is, to determine if you need it.
1) Wi-Fi is actually trademarked by the Wi-Fi Alliance
2) Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) devices are certified products that are based on the IEEE 802.11 standards
3) Wi-Fi networks are not the same as having cell service for your mobile phone
4) When in a Wi-Fi zone, devices such as personal computers, iPads, Kindles and others can connect to the internet with a range of wireless networks, also called “hotspots”
5) Hotspots are not just found in people’s homes, many restaurants, cafes and even metropolitan areas are adapting to open Wi-Fi networks through routers
6) WEP, Wired Equivalent Privacy, can protect users from hackers, however people need to configure their systems when using public Wi-Fi to enhance security
7) Security must be taken seriously on an open network, don’t look at bank accounts of other sensitive information without ensure you’re on a reliable network
8) Each device connects differently, some you have to turn on the Wi-Fi, others automatically search for the bet signal and will connect when found
9) Some public places will charge you a fee to join their networks such as airports, hotels and coffee shops
10) To add more confusion, people will talk about Wi-Fi and 3G networks, good luck!

YouTube Increases Video Time Limit to 15 Minutes

YouTube recently increased the video upload limit from 10 minutes to 15 minutes. They decided to add the extra 5 minutes due to the improvement of the Content ID system, which allows movie studios, music labels and other global partners to manage their content on YouTube. This means, there are going to be less videos of show and music clips that are copyrighted. I think the Content ID system will definitely clean out a lot of the videos that are polluting YouTube and make room for those who create original videos.

In addition, YouTube is taking full advantage of the 15 minute increase with a campaign called “15 Minutes of Fame.” Record a 15 minute video and tag it with “yt15minutes,” by August 4, and the video may gain their 15 minutes of fame by being featured on the YouTube homepage. Personally, I find creating a 15 minute video a challenge, but if you create a video about a topic you enjoy, I’m sure it won’t be much of a problem!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Top 10 Product Launch Myths

Last week I explained the concept of what a Product Launch is and what it could mean for your business. Have you thought about the concept a little bit more?

Because I’m in the process of learning about the concept in further depth, I want to convey the knowledge I am gaining about Product Launches to you.

Below are the Top 10 Myths about doing a Product Launch for your Business:

1. “I need to have an established business”
2. “There is too much competition in my market for a Product Launch”
3. “I just don’t have enough contacts for a Launch”
4. “There are others who are more well-known in my market – consumers wouldn’t be interested in a Product Launch of mine”
5. “I don’t have a tangible product to have a Product Launch with”
6. “I could only do one Product Launch as I don’t have others for additional Product Launches”
7. “My products wouldn’t work with a Product Launch”
8. “This concept wouldn’t work in my country/language”
9. “This would take too long to launch for my product”
10. “My product is too niche for a Launch”

All of the “myths” above are not deterrents for doing a Product Launch by any means.

Do you have a myth to add to the list? What are your thoughts? Go ahead and leave your comment below.

image credit: marcobellucci

Getting News Through the Twittersphere

Twitter has grown so much, and everyday more and more people are tweeting. For many internet marketers and social media junkies, Twitter has become a part of our daily lives, next to email and listening to music on Pandora or Slacker Radio. When you are using Twitter and checking it multiple times a day, you become accustomed to what is happening in the Twitter world. In fact, Twitter has already proven that they can be ahead of mainstream media, since once a tweet is sent, it is seen instantly.

Here is a couple of Twitter news I found out today through my Twitter circle:

A while back I wrote about Ivy Bean a while back, who was the oldest Twitter user. I found out that she had passed away today. As @IvyBean104, she was just another Twitter user, using it as she found useful. She was a popular user, with 56,000 followers and was fairly active. It just comes to show that anyone can use social media, even if you’re over 100 years old. Amazing, I think.

Hated by many, liked by many (including myself – I can’t help that I think his beats are dope) Kanye West is now part of the Twittersphere as @KanyeWest. His first tweet caused some attention (of course) –

Perhaps his visit to Silicon Valley made him create a Twitter account? He was also there to meet with technology companies and also performed at Facebook headquarters.

Are you like me and find out most of today's news stories through Twitter?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Optimize Images for Search

Since Google just rolled out a new design for the Google Images interface, now is as good a time as any to discuss optimizing images for search. The new Google Images design boasts updates that include a denser tiled layout for viewing more images at once, instant scrolling without letting you get lost in images, larger thumbnail previews, and keyboard shortcuts for quicker navigation.

Google image search, with or without the latest updates, is great for users who are looking for specific images online. It is even better for those optimizing their websites for natural search. Images give us an opportunity to generate more traffic to our websites if handled correctly. Helping the images on our websites show up in Google image search or universal search is fairly simple and can provide great results.

In order for your images to show up in Google, you first have to let Google know they exist. Google now supports images in sitemaps, so make sure you add all of your images to your sitemap and submit it to Google Webmaster Tools.

Sitemaps will help Google know that your image exists and where it is located, but it must also be optimized for a specific keyword phrase. There are three important aspects to the optimization:
  1. Include the keyword phrase in the filename of the image (i.e. search-engine-optimization.jpg)
  2. Include the keyword phrase in the Alt tag of the image (i.e. alt="Search Engine Optimization"
  3. Link to the image from other pages of your website and from other websites using the keyword phrase as anchor text (the words that are clickable)
Think of each image on your website as an opportunity to drive traffic and make sure each one is optimized.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Internet Marketing Is Everywhere

Most of you who have been reading my blog for some time know that I'm a big fan of getting the word out in any way possible. Whether you're using PR, direct mail, or pay-per-click marketing, being in front of your target audience whenever and wherever they may happen to be is good for your brand. I'm also a huge proponent of networking.

In combination, marketing effectively and networking, with those who can help your cause are a great way to elevate your brand. This creates awareness, interest, and desire. With the help of digital marketing (a.k.a. Internet marketing), these concepts of Networking and Brand Promotion are reaching new heights.

Internet Marketing on the Go!

A while back I published my first book, SEO Made Simple, to share my knowledge of search engine optimization with a segment of my marketing audience who were building web sites, launching blogs, and focused on affiliate marketing. Since then, the book has expanded to reach broader audiences interested in online marketing for themselves, their businesses and even their clients. What I never expected was that by delivering the content in a different format, I would be able to share it with so many more people interested in what I had to offer.

After relaunching my first book digitally (Amazon Kindle), and publishing my second book PPC Made Simple in both digital format and in print, I've discovered a new avenue for sharing information and improving online marketing.

Thinking about how this applies to the businesses that I consult with, I can't help but think about the portability and viewing of information. For example, how are you sharing your information with customers? Brochures and print materials are less important than they once were. Still producing that $40 catalog? Consider printing a smaller catalog and publishing your content online. There you can add reviews, comparisons, and other value adds.

Think Digital to Win the Marketing Game

When I saw my content on an iPad, I almost flipped. Even though it was published electronically, seeing it on an actual device made it real for me. Yet this is what more and more of our customers are interacting with on a regular basis. How will you compete? What's your digital strategy?

Think through all aspects of your marketing plan: Audience, Messaging, Timing, and Offer. Consider the modality that it needs to be delivered in. I'm not suggesting that you stop using print all together but rather consider offering multiple formats that your audience can consume when, where, and however they choose.

Today's take-a-way is that if you're not thinking .mobi or Today's take-a-way is that if you're not thinking .mobi or iPad or Smart phone, think again. How is the digital platform changing marketing? It already has!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Whatever niche you're in you have probably gathered by now that without a significant e-mail list of potential prospects it's pretty difficult to generate sales online. This is because most people don't buy on the first visit to a Web site even if it offers exactly what they're looking for. In fact research has show in can take up to 7 or more marketing attempts before a customers gets his or her wallet out.

This being the case, it's imperative that you build up a list of prospects that you can market to on a regular basis. All the big names in Internet marketing have huge lists hence the phrase "the money is in the list" although this isn't entirely true(a truer phrase would be "the money is in the relationship you have with your list). One thing is for sure is that without a good list your dead in the water.

Why? Think about it. If you don't have a list you're at the mercy of traffic generation techniques where the system can change at the drop of a hat. Consider pay-per-click advertising. It used to be cheap for selected keywords and you could bid for about 10-15 cents a click. Now you could pay $2 -$3 or even more a click depending on your niche.

With a large and growing list YOU control the traffic. You send out one broadcast to your list from your auto-responder and depending on your click through rate you can drive hundreds or even thousands of visitors to any site on the web.

So how do you go about doing it and how do the so called "guru's" build their list into the thousands so fast. In the Internet marketing niche one of the best ways is through Giveaway events. These events are held year round and usually coincide with holiday's such as the fourth of July, Thanksgiving, etc. Essentially a group of marketers get together and agree to giveaway gifts (either their own or someone else's) in exchange for members joining their lists via their squeeze or landing pages.

A big giveaway can have hundreds of people looking to join as members take advantage of what's being offered for free. If your gifts are good and most events allow you to add at least one product, then you may receive 50 to 100 or even more subscribers from each event. Often times these sites will allow you to upgrade as a contributor. This allows you to pay a fee in return for being able to list multiple products (more products, bigger list). It may also allow you to provide a one time offer.

A one time offer, as the name suggests, will only be offered once and is usually a lot cheaper than the member could buy anywhere else. This enables the gift contributor to earn some cash from the giveaway as well as building his list.

The second technique is a form of join venture (JV) known as an ad swap. Here two marketers both with similar size lists agree to e-mail each others lists thereby building subscribers together. The problem in the past is that it needed an element of trust that both parties will indeed do this and that they are being honest about the size of their lists. This problem has recently been rectified by a site called safe swaps where Internet marketer's can join and list sizes can be verified.

Finally probably the best way to build your list is to have your own in-house affiliate program if you own your own product or Web site. This way affiliates build your list for you in the hope that they will benefit from sales of your product. A good affiliate program which offers a high percentage commission to affiliates can truly build a list at lightning speed.

Use these techniques to build your lists, find partners and generate money online. By doing so, you can excel at Internet marketing and start building lasting relationships that will produce dividends for years to come. To learn about the system I've personally used to educate myself about these techniques, click here. Often times having someone else show you how to take advantage of these opportunities is the best and fastest way to start making money online.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Biggest Event of My Career: July 21st, 8PM

As many of you know, I've dedicated that last 15 years of my career to Internet marketing and search engine optimization. I've recently partnered with Internet marketing legend Greg Cesar to create SEO The Easy Way, an online program that reveals my most closely held search engine optimization secrets.

This coming Wednesday, July 21st, Greg and I are holding a live online event for the first 1,000 individuals who register click here. Due to the nature of this webinar, and the content being shared, we anticipate that it will fill up quickly. In fact, since this post has gone live, we only have about 172 spots left.

I've achieved #1 rankings for some of the Internet's most competitive keywords: "internet marketing expert", "marketing expert", "marketing blog", and dozens more. After launching a number of affiliate web sites and generating an online revenue stream that runs on autopilot (I get tons of organic traffic for free), I decided to share what I learned with the masses.

A couple of years ago I shared my expertise in SEO Made Simple. Since then, I've offered workshops and personal coaching. However, I was always looking for a way to share my search engine optimization techniques with the masses.

After meeting Greg, he encouraged me to start doing webinars, reaching larger numbers of people who wanted to improve the search engine rankings of their web site and blogs.  It wasn't long before I began sharing my experiences with those who genuinely wanted to see how I was achieving #1 rankings again and again!

If you want to learn about search engine optimization and are ready to start building a long term strategy for generating traffic (and online revenue), then register for Wednesday's webinar before it fills up.  Here's the registration link.