Friday, September 15, 2006

How to Increase Web Traffic

By Michael Fleischner Marketing Expert, Internet Marketing Secrets*

To succeed on the Internet, you must learn how to increase web traffic. Without getting targeted visitors to your website, you don't stand a chance of selling your products or services to any large degree. There are a variety of tactics, tools, and resources you can use to increase web traffic. In this article, I'll share with you the specific resources I've used to increase my website traffic and generate a large annual income online. More specifically, I'll tell you some of the secret tools I've used to drive targeted web traffic.

Google Adwords

If you want to know how to increase web traffic instantly, then learn about Google Adwords. This is the most targeted form of marking on the Internet. However, it requires that you have a marketing budget and can realize a positive return on your investment.

Google Adwords allow you to drive traffic to your website using a specific keyword or phrase. Your ad appears across the Internet on websites displaying relative content. When users click on your ad, they are redirected to your web site. You must pay each time a user clicks on your ad which can get expensive, especially because a click does not guarantee a sale. Therefore, before using Google Adwords, you must fully understand how to increase web traffic using online marketing techniques such as cost per click and generating a positive ROI.

Optimizing your Webpages

A much simpler method to increasing web traffic is to optimize your homepage using on-page and off-page optimization techniques. The best part of this method is that it costs nothing! Learn to employ on-page optimization techniques such as using your selected keyword phrase in your meta tags (page title, description, etc.), as the title of your page using h1 tags, and sprinkling your keyword phrase throughout your text. Lastly, you want your keyword phrase to appear as the last thing on the page. These techniques alone are sure to increase your web traffic by improving search engine results.

Off-page optimization techniques are quite simple, yet more difficult to achieve. If you want to improve your search engine results and therefore increase your web traffic, then you must build links to your web page. This can be done through a link exchange program, directory submissions, or purchasing one-way links to your website. Don't forget how to increase web traffic by combining on-page and off-page optimization techniques.

Low Budget Online Marketing Techniques

If you don't have a budget to throw at online marketing, you may want to use some tried and true marketing techniques that require little or no investment other than your time and some basic HTML programming knowledge:

  • Build an opt-in list that you can market to over and over again by offering something of value in exchange for an email list.
  • Use viral marketing (referrals) to have your website visitors generate links to your website such as “email a friend”.
  • Generate compelling “one-time-offers” to get users to take action and optimize these offers on their own web page so that the search engines can pick them up.
  • Focus your website copy using the WIIFM concept (what's in it for me?). By doing so, users will find your site engaging a recommend others to visit your site.
  • Develop an affiliate program and get others to generate traffic to your website by offering a commission when selling your products or giving you referrals.
  • Use testimonials one your site and see your on-site purchase rates skyrocket! Using this technique alone to increase web traffic has generated thousands of conversion that I otherwise would not have had.

These are just a few of the marketing techniques I've used over the past few years to generate serious online income. I learned these techniques and a number of others from a report I read online about web marketing techniques. I usually don't recommend someone else's products, but if you're serious about generating an online income, you should check out the Butterfly Marketing Report. It really helped me understand basic marketing techniques and apply them quickly to generate a steady monthly income. If you want to check it out, just click here or serch on Google for traffic generating strategies in your specific market niche.

Increasing Web Traffic by submitting your site to Web Directories

I couldn't believe how many websites offer free directories for those seeking specific information on the web. After doing a number of Google searches, I quickly found one powerful way to answer the question of how to increase web traffic, Search Directories. You can submit to a lot of web directories, but the most popular is DMOZ. Dmoz is the Internet's largest human edited directory. The drawback is that it takes a long time to get your website listed. So if you haven't already submitted your site, go to to find a relevant category and submit your site.

Using these techniques and a number of others, I have learned how to increase website traffic. What's great is that I do so without spending a large sum of money. The best investment you can make is to read all you can about online marketing techniques that show you how to increase web traffic and apply them.

* Michael Fleischner is a marketing expert and the president of, the Internet's biggest source of marketing information and free marketing resources. He has more than 12 years of marketing experience and had appeared on The TODAY Show, Bloomberg Radio, and other major media. Visit for further details, Internet marketing secrets, or more FREE reprint articles at

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