Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Doing Business Online: Part II

Based on the interview I conducted last week, I'm happy to publish Part II where I answer additional questions about doing business online - essential for anyone thinking about running their own online business.

Q: What did you learn from this first web business?

A: Businesses don't run by themselves. Yes, over time, your business builds a base and it’s much easier to operate, but it takes constant vigilance.

Q: What web businesses do you run now?

A: I run a couple of blogs (The Marketing Blog, The Good Marketing Tips Blog), and have created one of the Internet's most popular ebooks on Search Engine Optimization at www.webmastersbookofsecrets.com in addition to my original and primary website, MarketingScoop.com.

Q: What were the biggest challenges in setting up and running this web business?

Keeping up with it all. Sometimes you don't have enough time to focus on what's most important - your customers. Over time it does get easier to manage multiple tasks, but there are so many additional things I would like to do if only I had more time and resources.

Q: What top 3 tips would you give to somebody starting a business online?

A: All it takes is a great idea and persistence to see that dream become a reality. If you have an idea, get started, don't delay. There is plenty of free advice online on how to start and grow your very own online business. So get started, be persistent, repeat step number two (be persistent).

Q: Do you plan to start any more web businesses in the next 24 months? If so, what are the details?

A: The only other project I have going on right now is the publishing of my first book for trade distribution (B & N, Borders, Amazon.com) entitled, "SEO Made Simple: Strategies for Dominating the World's Largest Search Engine." The book will be launched in April of this year (2008) and can help anyone doing business online improve their search engine rankings on Google - the world's largest search engine. To support the book and offer readers a bonus, I'm creating a new website called myseomadesimple.com.

Q: What are you top 3 favorite reasons for running an online business?

A: Fun, Fun, and Fun. Running your own online business is very enjoyable. The flexibility is great too. You can work on it whenever, where ever you choose.

Q: Any final words?

A: Think big.

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