Monday, March 3, 2008

Quickly Build Your House List

One of the best ways to grow your business is through direct marketing. The most effective form of direct marketing is often the use of email. The key is to find a targeted list that costs little. The best performing email lists that meet the before mentioned criteria are what we marketers call a "house" list. The house list is simply a list that you acquire on your own - usually from your own website.

One of the most effective techniques I have found for acquiring email addresses is with the help of a free download. A free download can be as simple as a special report or even a checklist. If you have some content that is valuable to your target market, you can simply save it as a PDF, making it easy to download. Furthermore, you can require that individuals register by entering their name and email address in order to access the report.

If you're not experienced with creating these types of forms, don't despair. There are a variety of online tools and even instructions on creating online forms. Once the form is submitted, individuals can be redirected to a web page that includes a link to the free report. This makes the process simple and allows you to collect a large number of emails.

It's essential that you use the emails you acquire for your own purposes. Don't forget to reassure the browser that you won't sell their name to third parties. This will improve your conversion rates and keep you out of CAN-SPAM trouble.

The last step is to follow up with your prospects using an email touch program. There are a variety of tools out there that can automate the process for you. I've personally used Aweber because you don't need programming experience to implement touch program. The beauty of using such a system is that you set up your form and the rest is automated.

Once a user downloads your offer, they receive ongoing communications from you until they opt-out. Many of my purchases are a direct result of the automated emails I send. It's like having a sales person working for you 24/7. If you want to build a house list and begin generating sales, try offering a free download from your website. It's easy to do and costs little or nothing to implement.

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