Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sell More Online With A Professional Shopping Cart Versus An 800#

In today's world, people expect to pay for products and services online. After spending money to get someone interested in your product and to your website, focusing on the purchase process can have the greatest benefit to your business.

I was absolutely shocked when I checked out a new client's website. He is an author who wants to sell more books. But he doesn't have an online shopping cart! He expects people to call his 800 number and give him their credit card number over the phone. He also asks people to send checks to his post office box. While both calls to action might seem normal, they are so 1980! People expect to pay online and for the purchase process to be quick and easy.

Here Are 7 Reasons to Use a Professional Online Shopping Cart Instead of An 800#

1. People live in dozens of different time zones. Do you want to answer the phone at 2 a.m. your time because someone in England is having her first cup of coffee and wants to order your product?

2. People shop on weekends. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be out in my kayak on a weekend than sitting by the phone waiting for a product order.

3. Telephone tag. Let's say you just appeared on a talk radio show and people are calling to order your product or service. They will get a busy signal since you can talk to only one person at a time. You'll find that you have to call back a dozen people. If this happens, you run the risk of playing telephone tag - and possibly never connecting with them.

4. Expensive phone charges. When you return phone calls, you risk paying long-distance rates including international phone calling rates. Your cost of taking the order just jumped through the roof.

5. Too much time, not enough money. When you take orders over the phone, you have to be nice. There's nothing wrong with being nice, but you have to engage people in a conversation: How's the weather? Where are you calling from? How long have you been interested in this topic? If you don't ask questions like this, people will think you are rude and might not want to buy your product! This all takes time.

6. When you only take order over the phone, you have to sell the person, not just take the order. Many companies are not comfortable selling on the phone. Or they are bad at asking for the order. You could blow the sale.

7. Too many mistakes. It is all too easy to misspell the person's name, mailing address or credit card number. I call this unintentional dyslexia. You think you typed in "54" and you said "54" to the client, but you really wrote "45."

If you had an online shopping cart, you'd solve all these problems!
Add an online shopping cart to your website today and you will sell more products and services while protecting your time and energy. And, it's very easy to get started.

Just go to for a special report on how to choose a shopping cart. You'll even find information on how to get started today! Author and Serial Internet business entrepreneur, Dan Janal has built multiple six-figure income businesses using

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