Monday, December 29, 2008

How to Market Your Information Marketing Business

There continues to be increasing demand for gathering information and selling it in a convenient format to individuals who do not have sufficient time to do things on there own. In today's post, you'll discover three reasons why Diane Conklin loves the information marketing business.

Marketing is the ability to create an opportunity and a desire within a prospect to buy your products or services. The big picture is, nobody wants to put forth the effort to catch the fish. That is what makes information marketing the big business that it is today. The industry is fueled by the lack of time available to people and a growing desire for work-life balance.

As an information marketer, you can meet this great demand by gathering information and selling it in convenient forms to people who don't have the time to do things themselves.

Reasons to love the information marketing business

1. No other business provides the revenue, flexibility and lifestyle that information marketing provides. Much of the work is home-based, part-time and requires very little start-up costs.

2. Because there is such a demand for information products, anyone can use their own expertise to create a million dollar business within 12 months or less. Information marketing is an emerging and ever-growing field made up of knowledgeable and marketing savvy entrepreneurs who package their expertise into convenient forms such as DVDs, books, e-books, CDs, magazines, websites, teleseminars, webinars, coaching programs, seminars and conferences.

3. There is a market for creating an information marketing business for just about every topic you can think of. Using information marketing, Diane offers her proven business building secrets including marketing systems that help you effectively market your new business. She teaches all there is to know about using direct response marketing methods which concentrate on getting clients and making sales. And, she helps you measure results so you know which methods are getting you the most return on your marketing dollars.

One of her secrets includes this... Warning for Information Marketers: Avoid the Common Mistake of Limiting Your Marketing Program to One Marketing Method. Don't mistakenly assume that everyone is on the internet. By using a multi-step, multimedia approach you will maximize your profits and ensure stability. Diane recommends using at least three or four sources that deliver great results. The key is to avoid becoming dependent on any one media type. That way if one of them slows down or dries up completely you will still have new clients, money and sources flowing into your company.

Lastly don't forget that from newspaper to internet, no matter what the media type you choose, you should always use direct response marketing. It delivers the best results and makes the most money. How to Get Started in Marketing Your Information Marketing Business Now Diane is just one of 12 experts in the field of info-marketing who offer real world advice in the new book Start Your Own Information Marketing Business, an easy-to-follow manual that offers steps to building a successful info-business from the ground up. The group's compilation of tips gives you the tools you need to duplicate their success.

To learn more about direct response marketing and how to make it work for your business look for Start Your Own Information Marketing Business in bookstores now. You can also go to for a free video, book chapter, subscription to the Information Marketing Association's "Info-Marketing Success Strategies" email newsletter and copy of the Millionaire Blueprints magazine.

Robert Skrob, President of the Information Marketing Association teaches entrepreneurs how to build 6 and 7 figure income information marketing businesses simply by creating products once and getting paid many times over. Now you can get his FREE Video revealing how 5 info-marketers easily created fast-selling products & how you can too. Get free access now at

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