Monday, June 8, 2009

Twitter.. What's This All About

OK... I caved. Honestly I've been hearing about social marketing through Twitter and Facebook for about 9 months now and finally gave in. Yes, it's true, I'm tweeting! Of course, I still know very little about Twittering and what the point is, but I guess you have to be in the game.

I've been on facebook for a while and love to share photos and comment on what my friends are doing. To me facebook is more of a personal dialog and Twittering is really more for connecting with others who are passionate about marketing.

My plan is to share article, information, and resources that are marketing related on Twitter. I know that I'm certainly interested in what others are saying - especially in the area of Internet marketing. I may even start a project and provide regular updates via Twitter. That could give my followers something meaningful to follow.

I'm definitely interested in any tips my readers my have on using Twitter. It can be from a marketing perspective or simply how to best use Twitter... In the meantime, I invite you to follow me on Twitter. I can me found at @mfleischner

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