Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What To Do With All This Content

Web sites, Blogs, Tweets, Facebook... they are all creating a significant amount of content. The question is, "What are we supposed to do with it?" The leading marketers know the value of original content - and they are using it every day to grow their business.

Here are a few ways that I've used content to build and audience, sell products, or develop a strong house list.

1. Webinars. When interacting with others via social media (Twitter, Blog Comments, etc.) I often get a sense of what people are talking about. This is great information when determining content for your next online seminarn. Do something that's 'on topic' and you will get a tremendous result.

2. Web site promotion. Are you promoting your site through search engines? One of the best ways to do so is through on-page optimization. Create content or widgets that will help your browsers take action on your site or keep coming back for more. Consider adding a Twitter widget to your site or button that allows individuals to 'retweet' your content.

3. Free downloads. One of the best uses of content that I've seen in the past 12 months is the 'free download'. If you have content related to a timely topic or simply an area that your niche has a particular interest in, create a free download. I recently visited a site to get a pdf of Using Twitter For Business.

4. Create sign ups. Can you dole your content out one post at a time (or one lesson at a time)? Have users sign up for your informational series. A simple web sign up form can be posted inviting individuals to join your list in exchange for a name and email list. Be sure to use an auto-responder for maximum benefit.

These are just a few tips you should consider if you are being bombarded with content. Of course, always remember to get permission to use someone else's content and be sure to provide proper attribution.

Don't be overwhelmed by all the content coming your way. If you need to, shut off the feeds and proactively look for content to support your business needs. As always, have a plan and get started. You'll be glad you did.

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