Sunday, September 20, 2009

How To Use eZineArticles To Promote Your Articles And Build Backlinks

After last week's video on article marketing, I received a lot of comments and questions about article marketing. One of the most popular questions is where you should be submitting your articles and how to write them. If you are looking for a really good article creator, I suggest you go to an article software review website like and read their reviews. Once you've created an article and are ready to begin submitting to directories, you can use a piece of software or start with the most popular directories like Ezines,, and other top directories work like a mall.

Webmasters in search of content visit these article directories in order to find fresh content for their websites and blogs. When they publish the content, it appears on site with your author information. Your author box should always include links back to your website or blog - this is article marketing at its best.

In this video, I spend a few minutes showing you how to sign up at one of the leading article directories on the Internet. Once you've opened an account, you can quickly and easily go through the article submission process. Follow me as I show you how to submit an article on step-by-step. As you submit articles you'll be developing valuable backlinks from the article directory itself and every time your article is used by a webmaster on a different website or blog.

If you're not article marketing, get started now. Watch this video and start the article marketing process!

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