Sunday, January 24, 2010

Marketing Lessons From a Good Bottle of Wine

I look for good marketing no matter where I happen to be.  The other day I heard someone on the radio talking about wine bottles and the marketing connection.  That definitely got my attention as wine labels have so little room for copy that a number of marketing strategies must be at play to influence a purchase.

So what sells wine?  I think there are a few things that move someone through a purchase decision process in the wine market.  I'm no wine expert and quite honestly know little about "good wine" but can certainly tell you what marketing strategies encourage consumers to make that buying decision.

The label.
Okay, so we all know that the label is important.  The color, the shape, the imagery.  All of these components have an impact on purchase decisions.  Each color used gives a hint to what consumers might find in the bottle.  Are the colors harsh?  Do they say, "I'm bitter" or are the colors unique and creative, giving potential buyers a sense of newness and being different?

The shape and size of the bottle. 
The size of the bottle and overall packaging gives a good deal of information about what you might find inside as well.  Is the bottle traditional in shape?  Is is tall or short?  Each of these nuances must be congruent with other marketing factors to create a story worthy of pursuit.

The price. 
Much like a Cadillac, many people buy on price.  Why?  Because price can give you an understanding of value.  Two wines side by side.  They look similar and are of the same size.  However, one has a price of $8.99 and the other $24.95.  Which one is better?  Price may give you the impression that the second, more expensive bottle is "better"... but is it really?

Recommendation.  Does the wine fit the occasion? Has it been recommended by someone in the store or someone you know who told you that you had to try that particular brand, vintage, etc.?  In the wine game, recommendations are a critical aspect of the purchase.

So there you have it.  Some factors that influence wine purchasing.  Are you a wine connoisseur?  If you are, what influences your buying decision?  You may add in some additional factors like, "..all Napa Valley wines are good so this one must be good as well".  This is the final aspect of buying wine (and similar products) and that is your personal experience.  Nothing can replace experience as a driving factor in making buying decisions. 

The next time you're in the market for a bottle of wine, notice what drives your purchase. Enjoy and bottoms up!!!

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