Friday, August 27, 2010

At The Boys' Club: What Makes A Woman Orgasm - Sponsored Post

The guys at AskMen wonder what makes a woman orgasm. Do they have it on the money?

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bejo212's profile on MyLikes

Monday, August 16, 2010 Presents Targeting 500 Million of Your Best Prospects – Best Practices for Facebook Advertising

Join Margie Schneider, VP Operations of, as she presents, “Targeting 500 Million of Your Best Prospects – Best Practices for Facebook Advertising”. This webinar will review best practices for advertising in Facebook using enhanced filtering. Learn how you can leverage the unique advertisement features Facebook offers to reach your desired audience.

This presentation will explain the following topics:

• How to Successfully Set Up Facebook Campaigns
• Proven Methods for Using Facebook Filters
• Advanced Campaign Filtering Strategies
• Best Practices for Testing Ads
• Tactics for Gaining "Likes" and Reaching "Friends"
• Understanding Facebook FBML Landing Pages vs Website Landing Pages

This free webinar will take place Wednesday, August 18, 2010 12:30pmEST – 1:30pmEST. To register and for more information please visit: Targeting 500 Million of Your Best Prospects – Best Practices for Facebook Advertising

Twitter’s Tweet Button

Last week Twitter officially announced their Tweet Button. The button is going to make sharing content on Twitter even easier. Once websites have this coding in place, visitors will be able to share content within a couple of clicks. The coolest feature of the Tweet Button is the post-share follower suggestion page which prompts you to follow the publisher whose site you’re sharing. I’ll bet you anything, within a week Facebook will be adding a post-share feature to their buttons too.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Twitter “Fast Follow” Opportunity for Businesses

Yesterday Twitter introduced a new feature called “Fast Follow” which may prove to be a tool businesses can use for advertisement purposes. The concept of Fast Follow is simple – for those of you in the US, you can now receive tweets on your cell phone without even having your own Twitter account. To receive tweet updates to your cell, text Twitter’s shortcode [40404] with “follow [username]”. For example, you would text 'follow erikabarbosa' to receive my tweets directly to your cell regardless if you have a Twitter account or not.

Although some may enjoy this feature to follow individuals, the feature is very attractive for businesses as it gives them a chance to reach individuals who may be interested in the business’s offers but not necessary be an active tweeter. Businesses could offer special discounts or deals to test this feature and measure how much this may appeal to their specific audience/customer base. With a bit of creativity, even businesses outside of the obvious retail or restaurant industry, could take advantage of this feature.

In essence, Fast Follow allows you to reach the passive users who may very well opt-in to your text based information or offers, but may not want to engage in a conversation on Twitter.

What are your thoughts? Can you think of a way to implement Fast Follow for your customer base?

image credit: ydhsu

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Social Media Brand Explosion - Guest Post from New Author Jim Kukral

Jim has been a good friend to Ten Golden Rules, and today is the launch day for his new book! Attention This Book will Make you Money . How to Use Attention Getting Online marketing to Increase Your Revenue If you buy this book, sign up at this site to get over a dozen bonuses!

I have read about 4 chapters and so far I give it a 5 Star review. It is a very current look at how to drive traffic to a website and utilize multiple social media to build your brand and your personal brand. The style is very straight forward and easy to read.

This is a guest blog post from Jim, enjoy!

Social Media Brand Explosion

I've been promoting the Jim Kukral brand online for close to 15-years now. In 2001 I bought the domain name and began to blog about every day things, like being cut-off on the road on the way to work, or how the tragedy of 9/11 changed my life, and yours. You know, silly life stuff. That's what people did at the time.

As I said, my first blog wasn't about "business," heck, nobody back then was using blogs for their businesses. It was all about building your brand by letting people around the world, people normally outside of your circle of influence, come in and learn more about you. It was years later that I began to utilize blogs as a marketing and business tool.

I wrote one of the first eBooks online that explained how to make money from a blog. The year was 2003 and it was called Blogs To Riches. The eBook contained tips and strategies for how to use your blog to build a personal brand and then how to turn that brand into revenue. When I first launched the eBook I received tons of publicity from it, and 90% of it bad. I was getting hate mails from people saying things like "Blogging is pure, you can't make money from it you jerk!" or "You're an idiot, nobody will ever make any money from a blog." Indeed, the same types of things people were saying about social media in the beginning.

I continued to blog for years and years, accumulating thousands of search engine rankings from articles that I had written. I spent a year creating a new Web video every single day, getting my message out to an entirely new audience. I created podcasts of interviews with experts and gurus. I built my brand over those years to a place where I was quite well known in my industry circles, and it worked great. I had a loyal following of people subscribed to my RSS feed and email newsletters, plus I had earned myself a very nice reputation as someone who knew how to help other people find success online.

But it wasn't until social media really came along that my brand exploded. Because of social media I was able to extend my brand and expand my reach, allowing me to generate thousands upon thousands of direct contacts who were interested in me and what I do.

And here's the key point. These contacts were people outside of my regular inside circle. You know, customers. You can't pay for that kind of attention, and that's one of the best things about using social media to build your brand. It's free!

What are you doing right now? Why aren't you out there actively participating in the social world? I've watched people go from nobody to $25k public speakers in 2-years or less because they knew how to work social media and build their brand. I've seen people spend years and years and hundreds of thousands of dollars completely fail to get their name out there because they didn't realize the opportunity that the social world brings.

Why can't you do it?

Oh wait, you can. It's time to get to work.

Don't go out there and sell yourself. Go out there can create content that solves people's problems or/and entertains them. Then use social media to spread those messages, just as we all did with blogs before social media existed. Watch as your followers and fans grow and grow. Watch as people (your customers) flock to you and buy from you.

Go... now. Get started.

For over 15-years, Jim Kukral has helped small businesses and large companies like Fedex, Sherwin Williams, Ernst & Young and Progressive Auto Insurance understand how find success on the Web. Jim is the author of the book, "Attention! This Book Will Make You Money", as well as a professional speaker, blogger and Web business consultant. Find out more by visiting You can also follow Jim on Twitter @JimKukral.

PS - Don't Miss Jim on a free Wednesday Webinar coming up for September 1st!

Monday, August 9, 2010

PPC Keyword Research Evolving

Google updated their keyword research tool to enhance previous features and add some new ones based on customer feedback. Some of the new features include greater flexibility in search options, simplified refinement of keywords, avoiding duplicate keywords, and ability to add negative keywords.

Greater Flexibility in Search Options
With the enhancements to search options, you now have the ability to combine keyword, website, and category queries and receive a single set of keyword results. Previously, you were only able to do your search one way at a time.

Simplified Refinement of Keywords
You now have the ability to filter your keyword results by both word and/or match type (i.e. broad match, phrase match, exact match). This will require you to do less manual filtering than with older versions of the tool.

Avoiding Duplicate Keywords
Now, when you are logged into your Adwords account, you will be aware of what keywords returned in your query are already being bid on. This will save you time on reviewing your results since you won't have to scroll through keywords you are already bidding on.

Adding Negative Keywords

Google's keyword tool was always a great way to identify negative keywords. With the new upgrades, however, you can add negative keywords to an ad group or campaign right from the keyword tool interface by clicking a button. Previously, you would have to take note of possible negative keywords and return to the campaign interface to add negative keywords. Presents Case Study: BP in Online Media

Join Jay Berkowitz, Chief Executive Officer and Stuart Smith of the Search Team of, as they present, “Case Study: BP in Online Media”. This webinar will look at BP Oil’s Social Media, Pay Per Click and a Facebook Fan Page Case Study.

This presentation will explain the following topics:

• Demonstrate how BP used Pay Per Click Advertising to inject themselves into the online conversation
• Best Practices for Establishing Facebook Business Pages
• Tactics Used for Viral Penetration of the BP Case Study
• Understanding the Results of Exposure from Facebook Pages
• Advanced Strategies for Viral Penetration of Facebook Business Pages

This free webinar will take place Wednesday, August 11, 2010 12:30pmEST – 1:30pmEST. To register and for more information please visit: Case Study: BP in Online Media

Friday, August 6, 2010

Social Media Experiment - Giving away Gold

Thanks to everyone for great suggestions, we have found a fun way to give away the gold bar! Please visit our Facebook page to learn all about this fun contest.

Also, we did a short video on the page, I share my tips for making great presentations and some cutting edge internet marketing trends.

If you have a look, please let me know what you think in the comments below!

Don't Be Evil

The New York Times reported on August 4, 2010, that Google and Verizon were on the verge of a deal that would allow Verizon to determine how quickly content is served to Internet users. This would be dependent on if the content creators were willing to pay for the upgraded speed.

The Times also reported:
The charges could be paid by companies, like YouTube, owned by Google, for example, to Verizon, one of the nation’s leading Internet service providers, to ensure that its content received priority as it made its way to consumers. The agreement could eventually lead to higher charges for Internet users.

Such an agreement could overthrow a once-sacred tenet of Internet policy known as net neutrality, in which no form of content is favored over another. In its place, consumers could soon see a new, tiered system, which, like cable television, imposes higher costs for premium levels of service.

Any agreement between Verizon and Google could also upend the efforts of the Federal Communications Commission to assert its authority over broadband service, which was severely restricted by a federal appeals court decision in April.
Where’s the last great company that believed in “open internet” for all? This is bad friends -- no, this is worse than when Hulk Hogan turned bad and joined the NWO. If the agreement is reached, the Internet will be forever changed and I’m afraid not for the better.

I’m asking from the bottom of my heart guys…


Google says the Times, Bloomberg, and the WSJ) are wrong and they remain committed to an open internet. The Times says they stand by the story.

Marketing Faux Pas

Every once and a while I like to take a look back at my marketing initiatives to see what can be improved or simply get a good laugh. This morning I was going through some of my old files and found a marketing piece that I created over a dozen years ago.

The reason why I laughed out loud was because this particular marketing piece was one of my greatest marketing faux pas.  When we created the piece we didn't have a proofing department.  As is true with most marketing initiatives, we were rushing to get the piece out the door and into the hands of our prospects and some customers. 

Apparently no one bothered to check the phone number on the marketing piece that was imbeded in the call to action on the post card.  The number that was printed wasn't to our sales line but rather a call girl service.  Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not one to judge but I can tell you that the boss wasn't happy.  Especially since the piece was printed AND sent out.  

It's in situations like this that you hope that the response rate is very low :)  We had to scramble to "make things right" and it was a costly but valuable lesson.  The good news is that people are human and the majority of prospects and customers who received the post cards actually thought is was funny.

The obvious lesson that I learned was, proof your work.  It doesn't matter how much of a rush you might be in, visit that printed URL, call that number, re-read the content.  The 10 minutes you spend could save you from a major marketing mistake.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Google’s Struggle With Social Networking

Once all a buzz, this week Google announced that Google Wave was no more. They no longer plan to develop it as a standalone product. It seemed as if Google Wave never really took off, as many people struggled to find meaningful ways to use it. I wonder if it is because many people use existing communication tools such as Twitter and Facebook, and Google Wave was just too much to integrate into people's lives. Also, it was exclusive at one point, and many people did not have access to it, which may have hurt the success of Wave as well. Google is continuing to work on launching a social product, although so far, they haven’t been very successful yet. Another Google product, Google Buzz, hasn’t gotten much traction either, even though it is integrated into Gmail - which many people use daily as their email client.

I personally use Google Buzz since I use Google Reader and like to share blog posts with my followers there, but only those who follow me on Google Buzz see it, which isn’t many. Because many of my friends use Facebook and Twitter, I see more response there when it comes to sharing news or interesting blog posts. Unless Google can find a way to integrate through Twitter and Facebook, it’s likely that they won’t see much success – unless they create something bigger and better than these two very popular social networking tools.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

10 Powerful Social Media Tools to prepare for a job interview or sales call

Before you go to to your next job interview or sales call get prepared!

You can know an amazing amount about a company and the person you are meeting by spending about 15 minutes online searching. Here are some powerful tools to find out a lot of info about the company, and the person you are about to meet.

Oh, first a handy tip. Take screen shots (use the 'print screen' button on your keyboard to grab the images) as you do your research, copy these images into a PowerPoint presentation and keep it in a file you will take to the meeting. If the opportunity arises, share some of the knowledge you have about the company and show the person how diligent you were. You should keep personal and company information separate, many people would be surprised and possibly uncomfortable about how much you can dig up about them personally.

1. Get to know their website. A good place to find recent information is the News or Press Release tab and read recent newsletters stored on the website
2. Do a Google search for the company and the individual you are meeting
3. Google the company name plus 'reviews' and 'comments', print out any negative information you find, and if it is appropriate share this info. with the person you're meeting. They might not have Googled themselves and they might need an Online Reputation Management program.
4. Find the person you are meeting on LinkedIn. Do any of your friends know him or her? This is a great opportunity for your friend to put a good word in for you. Plus, knowing a bit about their history might keep you from putting your foot in your mouth like I once did. I met an executive at a packaged goods company and I went on and on about how much I knew about banking before I found out she worked in the banking industry for ten years - oops!
5. Check them out on Facebook. Does the company have a Facebook Fan Page?
6. Is the company and/or the individual active on Twitter? Are they current? Is there any news you can learn? What are they passionate about? Colleges? Sports? Volunteer Activities? What common interests do you share. Do a for their name as well, what are other people tweeting about them and the company? Post a Tweet and ask if anyone at the company is listening to test if they're monitoring Social Media.
7. Check their traffic, Google Page Rank, Alexa Score, for number of SEO results, How many links do they have to to their site? will tell you about their Pay Per Click advertising activity.
8. Check these scores for their competitors.
9. Are they blogging?
10. And perhaps my best tip, from my friend Harvey Mackay, download the Warm Call Center Toolbar, it is amazing what this tool will reveal about the company and the individual!

Good luck and please comment below:

- What tools do you use to prepare for an interview or a sales meeting?
- Did you try any of these ideas? What did you find out?

Good Luck crushing it in your next meeting!

Photo credit drewleavy

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Can you help me give away a $406 solid gold bar?

I'm a bit embarrassed, let me explain...

I normally have catchy titles for my presentations. The first one, "The Ten Golden Rules of Online Marketing" gave birth to our company.

My newest presentation is called "Turn Your Social Media Traffic Into Gold". I am presenting at Affiliate Summit New York on Monday August 16th.

It is a bit of an old-fashioned sounding title and I think we need to jazz it up to get people interested. So, I went on eBay and I bought this 10 gram solid gold bar to give away using Social Media.

Here's how you can help.

How would you give away a $406 dollar prize to build interest in a presentation with a bit of a funny name? How can we use Social Media to prove that Social Media works? Please comment below with your ideas.

I also have 5 second place prizes, $75 Google AdWords Gift Certificates and 5 copies of my book "The Ten Golden Rules of Online Marketing".

Please comment below to help me decide how to socialize this prize :)

Do Not Track Registry for Internet Users

Originally proposed back in 2007, the FTC is once again considering the implementation of a “Do Not Track” list which is comparable to the “Do Not Call” registry. This legislation would hide Internet users’ browsing activity from online advertisers as a whole rather than having to do so on a website by website basis. According to reports, the “Do Not Track” list would keep advertisers from using cookies to track your browsing and purchasing history. The registry would also prevent advertisers from serving ads based on your behavior.

Although it will take time for us to learn more about this legislation, it poses many questions. Is the concept even feasible? What could this mean for advertisers and businesses? The legislation has its pros and cons depending on what angle you look at it from. Personally, I’m not completely against being served ads or search results based on my online behaviors. It actually turns out being more relevant than not for the most part.

Do you see this potential legislation as positive or negative?

Display Advertising - Target Your Own Placements

Advertising in the Google Display Network (GDN) can be a great way to generate leads/sales at a lower cost than with advertising on search networks. The lower cost comes about because the cost per click is often much less on display network placements than on search placements. A common mistake advertisers often make is to run a single campaign on both the search and display networks. This is a mistake because the way to optimize for both networks is quite different. My best advice is to duplicate a campaign and run one version on search and one on display to test them against each other.

When setting up a display network campaign, a shortcut many advertisers take is adding keywords to the campaign and letting Google select where the ads will be displayed based on the keywords. It is much better practice to select your own network placements. If you really want to reach your audience, it is important to target your ads to websites that your customers are likely to visit. If you let Google select your placements, they just match keywords in your campaign to words on the pages and often place you on completely irrelevant websites. To find placements that are relevant to your customers, try using the Google placement tool.

Monday, August 2, 2010

American's Online Habbits

According to a recent Nielsen study, social media now consumes 23% of our time online. Tracking 200,000 American users from June 2009 – June 2010, time on social networks grew 43%! This now passes email usage which declined 28% for the year to 8.3% from 12% although it does still dominate on our mobile devices. attributes the decline in Yahoo and Google to the fact that Facebook allows people to post direct links to articles or videos so people don’t have to search for them. According to PCWorld, the study also revealed that twice as many Americans over 50 visited social networks thank kids under 18. Presents Low and No Cost Local & Mobile Search Marketing

Join Mike Monahan, Director of Internet Marketing for World Travel Holdings as he presents, “Low and No Cost Local & Mobile Search Marketing”. Learn how everyone from Small Individual Businesses, Large Franchises and Retail Organizations can Leverage the Growth of Local and Mobile Search to grow their businesses.

This presentation will explain the following topics:

• Answer the question of: Why Local?
• Best Practices for using Free Local Listings
• Understanding On-Page Factors in Local SEO
• The Future of Local Search and Mobile Marketing

This free webinar will take place Wednesday, August 4, 2010 12:30pmEST – 1:30pmEST. To register and for more information please visit: Low and No Cost Local & Mobile Search Marketing