Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Twitter “Fast Follow” Opportunity for Businesses

Yesterday Twitter introduced a new feature called “Fast Follow” which may prove to be a tool businesses can use for advertisement purposes. The concept of Fast Follow is simple – for those of you in the US, you can now receive tweets on your cell phone without even having your own Twitter account. To receive tweet updates to your cell, text Twitter’s shortcode [40404] with “follow [username]”. For example, you would text 'follow erikabarbosa' to receive my tweets directly to your cell regardless if you have a Twitter account or not.

Although some may enjoy this feature to follow individuals, the feature is very attractive for businesses as it gives them a chance to reach individuals who may be interested in the business’s offers but not necessary be an active tweeter. Businesses could offer special discounts or deals to test this feature and measure how much this may appeal to their specific audience/customer base. With a bit of creativity, even businesses outside of the obvious retail or restaurant industry, could take advantage of this feature.

In essence, Fast Follow allows you to reach the passive users who may very well opt-in to your text based information or offers, but may not want to engage in a conversation on Twitter.

What are your thoughts? Can you think of a way to implement Fast Follow for your customer base?

image credit: ydhsu

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