Sunday, April 4, 2010

Internet Marketing.. Managing It All

The problem with marketing is that there's always more to do. The reality is that marketing can be an overwhelming process and become more complex as time goes on. Launching campaigns, tracking results, revising and testing landing pages is never-ending.  So how can you manage it all?

Over the last couple of years, I've really learned the importance of prioritizing projects.  To do so, you need to have agood understanding of your goals.  What are you trying to achieve for your business?  What outcome should your marketing achieve?  Not all marketing initiatives result in a direct sale.  You may be interested in impressions, getting a link on a dot gov website or even getting a customer testimonial.  One of the best ways to manage your Internet marketing is with a clear goal.

Regardless of what you want your marketing to achieve, always be mindful of your goal.  This ensures that you are making the right decisions and effectively managing your workload.  Once you have prioritized your work, the next step is to build a daily routine that makes your marketing tasks part of your daily work.

Internet marketing requires that you are checking your accounts on a daily basis.  We all know the importance of analytics and managing PPC accounts.  Managing all of your accounts can prove time consuming and difficult to handle if left unchecked.  The key is to build these account checks into a daily routine.  With only a few minutes each day, routine tasks like logging into your 5 - 7 most important accounts make things more manageable. 

After you've prioritized your workload and integrated some daily tasks into your routine, the next step is make your large projects into smaller tasks.  Personally, I manage at least 4 or 5 large projects at a time.  However, to ensure that I don't get overwhelmed, I'm continually re-prioritizing and giving myself only 3 tasks to focus on daily.  The goal is to get those 3 tasks done no matter what the day brings.  

Marketing requires work.  It would be nice if all we had to do was press a button and results would abound.  However, this isn't the case.  We need to proactively manage our marketing and put time and energy into those activities that we believe will produce the best results.  Manage this process effectively and your sure to get results!

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