Sunday, April 19, 2009

Post #401: Good Marketing Tips

I recently wrote an article for a publication called, "My ten best marketing tips". I think the article is a bit long for posting here so I thought I'd break it up into 3 separate posts. So here are my top 3. Let me know if you're applying these techniques to your own marketing.

As a lifetime marketing professional, I've seen a great deal of marketing campaigns initiated in virtually every marketing area known to man. Some campaigns have been wildly successful while others have failed. I've often asked myself what the the difference has been between successful marketing campaigns and those that have been complete failures.

Today, the art of marketing is far more complex than it once was. However, many of the same basic principles still apply. Too often professional marketers and web site owners overlook the basic techniques that have separated successful campaigns from those that never turn a profit. Here is my all time list of effective marketing tips.

Know your audience. Successful campaigns get that way because marketers know their audience. They understand their needs, how to help fulfill those needs and how to create demand. Knowing and understanding your audience through proper market segmentation means a well targeted campaign that gets results.

It's all about the offer. The success of any marketing campaign is directly related to the appeal of the offer. Many people feel that a good marketing piece is measured on good copy or design alone. One of the most important aspects of any marketing campaign in the offer. Without a compelling offer you'll never see results.

Split test your marketing. Never run marketing campaign without testing different elements. One of the most common is a split test which allows you to simultaneously test two versions of something. It can be a web page, post card, or email. Split testing is essential for improving performance of all marketing campaigns.

That's all for now. I'll post the remaining tips in my next few posts.

To your success... Michael

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